Monday, June 20, 2011

YouTube Smartphones...

Aside from surfing the internet, getting e-mails and texting messages to your friends. Your smart phone is capable of much much more on the multimedia end.

I've been here...I've been there...
The popularity of video sharing is at its highest right now, and it most likely won't go away for quite a while. So as the smart phones gets more sophisticated, more and more of them now have the capabilities of handling video contents. At the forefront of this video sharing is YouTube. YouTube is one of the oldest, and most well-known video sharing website. YouTube have contents ranging from funny home videoes, comedy sketches, how-to videoes or even just video blogging of users.

Having a smart phone with YouTube capabilities can go a long way for users on YouTube, especially the ones that do vlogging. One benefit is portability, the user may record a short video of some item of interest, upload it right from their smart phone, then go on about their business.

However, anybody who has remotely worked with video files can tell you that handling video files will tax a lot of resources and place a heavy burden on the hardware. That means more wear and tear on your beloved smart phone than usual. So after prolong sessions of surfing internet, playing 3D games, and constant uploading of vlogs, you might just find your smart phone doing some funny business you weren't expecting.

Should that ever happen, this'll be one of the most complicated issue you'll ever encounter. This is echoed by multiple fields of disciplines ranging from auto mechanics to pure electricians. Eletrical problem is a nightmare for anybody because first, you have no idea which component is bad. Second, just because you have found the culprit that is causing the problem, it doesn't mean other parts are still working properly.

So what should you do if you ever find yourself in this predicament? Come to and simply sell your smart phone to us. Its a simple solution for a complicated fix, you wouldn't want your smartphone to dial Grandmama when you are trying to snap a shot at the hottest club, do you?

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