Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tech Gadget Boundaries

As technology progresses, the boundaries of the technologies are becoming more blurry than ever.

My computer used to be the only device that is able to get on to the internet at all. Now we have smart phones that can get on the internet almost as fast as at home and devices that can also provide internet connections everywhere we go. My cellular phone used to only do two tasks: making calls and playing Pong. Nowadays, the smart phones can take pictures, shoot videos, watch movies, stream music and even play sophisticated 3D games!

Apple iPad
Though technology progressions make the boundaries more blurry, new boundaries are being marked as well.

Before we probably would have never thought of tablet being a feasible market: the computing power was not enough, the power and storage was not enough. But lo and behold, in today's market, new tablets are being introduced every time you sneezed.

However, as manufacturer rushes to fight market shares, the tablet wars is looking a lot liked the desktop PC wars that is fought years back by Dell and HP. But in the end, its the consumer that received the most benefits....right?

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